Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Generous Faith

The thing about learning to hear the voice of God is that He will often ask you to do some extreme things, things that we wouldnt normally do because they require more faith and trusting in Him alone. Now, before I tell this story, I want you to know that I have been praying for a while about how much detail to share. However, God challenged me to be transparent because people in the western world need to see examples of faith in the areas of materialism and finances. So, please know that my aim is to glorify God, not myself, and hopefuly inspire others to surrender all to Jesus and trust in His provision alone. He is worth everything!
On a Wednesday night, my sister Anna (her actual name will be kept annonymous) came to me and handed me an envelope containing all of her money. She told me that God had asked her to give it away 2 weeks prior, but she had been holding on to it because she was afraid that she woulnt have what she needed. She said that God told her to give it to me and that night with tears in her eyes, she handed me the envelope and chose to be obedient no matter what the cost. I thanked her, comforted her and took the money, wanting to support her obedience to the Lord. I then prayed and asked God what He wanted me to do with it because I actually didnt need it, I have more money than most of my younger missionary sisters and brothers here because I worked for 4 years saving up. I felt like the Lord told me to hold onto it for 3 days and then double the amount and return it to her. The following day during worship night our leaders wrote on a whiteboard how much students and staff still owed for outreach funds and we were to ask God if He wanted us to support eachother financially. Anna's name was on the board needing $3,000NZD. During worship I asked God what He wanted me to give and I felt like He was telling me to pay the full amount for her. While I prayed for confirmation (silently with my eyes closed) suddenly Anna came over and held me in a big hug. She had no idea that I was praying about what to give her and at this point she didnt even know that I would be giving her the money back that she gave to me. I started weeping in her arms because I knew this was God thanking me through her for my obedience to Him. So, I silently agreed to pay for her full outreach costs. The funny thing is that in my mind $3000 seemed like so much money when I thought about what else I could do with it, but once I agreed to give it away, it felt like mere pennies (this is God's grace in sacrificial circumstances). About 20 minutes later, still in worship I asked God if that was all He wanted me to give, I didn't want to hold anything back from Him because everything I have He gave to me in the first place. You see, I confess that I had been relying on finances as my security for the sake of what I called "being responsible." The more money I had saved in the bank, the more secure my future seemed. But, God revealed to me that it had become an idol in my life because I was placing my confidence in something other than the almighty God. I have learned repeatedly on this DTS that my Heavenly Father wants to provide for me and when I am fully trusting in Him, not leaning on my own resources, He ends up getting all the glory when the provision comes. Freely I have received, so freely I should give. I would rather be rich in faith than have financial security. So, I had a thought that I should give Bob (again, his real name will be kept annonymous) $2000. The more I tried to worship and pray, this thought persisted and I finally figured it was the Lord's prompting. Again, my brain tried to reason its way out of giving this huge amount of money but the Spirit persisted with the truth that we can't outgive God and He always blesses generocity and He will provide for me in whatever His future plans are for me. There is no better investment for my savings than for my brother and sister to go spread the Gospel on outreach because this will reep eternal rewards! Besides, I told myself, I have a car at home I can sell so I can continue as a missionary next year, if God calls me back. The Lord told me again that it is a good thing to rely on the support of others because it is a blessing for them to join in His work in my life; I am blessed and they get the rewards of giving as well as attributed to the fruit of the ministry through me. So, I agreed to give the additional $2000 to Bob. This was an amazing night because I gave out of my abundance, but other students gave even though they had nothing to give, they just obeyed the voice of the Lord to them without questioning how He would provide (living example of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15). At the end of the night I had so much joy, freedom, and peace through being obedient to the Lord and the $5000 felt like pennies.
The next day it was time to give Anna her envelope of cash back. I wrote her a little note, put in the double portion, and left it on her bed. At lunch she came with tears and hugged me telling me how she felt like Abraham sacrificing Issac and God provided in the last moment for her when he saw that she had been faithful. That evening I was washing dishes and a brother (who had just returned from snowboarders DTS outreach so he didn't know me) said God gave him a word for me. The Lord told him that I worship in extravagance, like Mary in the Bible who poured out her costly perfume on Jesus feet, pouring out my inheritance to Him. He said it might look crazy to other people, but to me I am just expressing my love for the One whom I am so in love with. Now, everything I had givin was in secret, so I took his word as direct confirmation from the Lord that He was pleased with my obedience.
Anna and Bob dont know that those donations were from me. Also, the financial support I received from others before I came was enough to cover my outreach costs this year, as well as my flight home. So, thank you to those of you who partnered with me in this way.
This week's lectures are on the topic of the Holy Spirit and one point that our speaker made is that life in a Spirit-filled community is very generous and characterised by giving (Acts 4:34-no needy persons among them). God has definately confirmed this truth through my experience in the YWAM community this season. So, all glory to God for His awesome economy where the more we give away to others, the greater the blessing we receive. He is the ultimate example of this principal by giving the most costly gift of His Son Jesus in order to save humanity. I hope this testimony challenges you and results in a greater faith/trust in God.


  1. Amy, what an awesome story! So good to hear of real and incredible examples of God's faithfulness when we give. I know He will richly bless you for your faithful generosity and I know we can't even measure the work He accomplishes through cheerful givers. What an encouragement!

  2. Praise the LORD, Amy. The lessons you are learning bring honour and glory to our God who supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!

    1. Thanks Ben! I wish I could visit your family and help at your church while we are in Australia, but it seems that Brisbane and Byron Bay are about 10 hours from Sydney which is too far for our team to travel. If our plans do end up leading us closer to your area, I will surely be in touch with you!

  3. Thank you so much random mom in ny praying about what dts to go on and feeling so financially insecure bellieving God will provide for us my son yearns to live and share and my hope is in the Lord thank you for sharing im praying about where to go
