Sunday, March 1, 2015

Covenant Vows

When Jonny and I got married on December 13, 2014, we made life-long promises to each other. A marriage covenant is not a contract, there is no "out," no breaking of the agreement, no stipulations, it is unconditionally kept; in other words, no matter what Jonny does or says or what circumstances come against us, I will always endeavour to remain faithful to these vows. I do this because I am a follower of Jesus and I live by His standards. I desire to display His glory in my life. All that is to say, I wanted to share these vows with you all so that you can keep us accountable and aid us in bringing glory to God through our sacred union.

I, Jonathan, take you, Amy, to be my wife. I promise before God and these witnesses that by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit I will love, honor, cherish, and protect you. Out of his strength and love, I will love you as Christ loved the church, sacrifice for you, put your needs above my own, and care for you as I care for my own body. I will delight in you, being in union with you as we have union with Christ. I will find my ultimate joy and satisfaction in Christ, and will not expect you to be my source of fulfillment as such responsibilities are God’s and not yours to bear. I will endeavor to be a godly, self-controlled man acting with kindness, consideration, patience, and humility in the heading of our household. I will seek the Lord first and His righteousness. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. I will acknowledge Him in all things knowing that He is, and always will be, directing our paths. I will follow Him and lead our family wherever He leads, and I will put the extension and multiplication of His kingdom before all worldly possessions and pleasures. I will encourage and support you in your walk with God. I will seek your eternal benefit over your temporal comfort or ease. I will lead our family with an urgency that prays for, longs for, and anticipates the coming day that our Lord will return. I will endeavor to bring up any children we may have with love, forgiveness and discipline, always teaching them according to Word of God. I promise to remain devoted to you exclusively as my wife for as long as we both shall live. And I acknowledge before God, before you, and before these witnesses, my inability to live out these vows in my own strength, and I acknowledge that His power alone will enable me to live in a Godly way as your husband. 

I, Amy, take you, Jonathan, to be my husband. I promise before God and these witnesses that by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit I will love, respectserve, and honor you. Out of His strength and love I promise to submit to you and obey you in everything, as I do to the Lord. I recognize you as my head, even as Christ is the head of the church. In so doing I resolve to put my trust in God and not give way to fear. I will help you and work with you as a united witness of the love of God. I will delight in you, being in union with you as we have union with Christ. I will find my ultimate joy and satisfaction in Christ, and will not expect you to be my source of fulfillment as such responsibilities are God’s and not yours to bear. I will seek the Lord first and His righteousness. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. I will acknowledge Him in all things knowing that He is, and always will be, directing our paths. I will follow Him and you as you lead our family wherever He leads, and I will put the extension and multiplication of His kingdom before all worldly possessions and pleasures. I will encourage and support you in your walk with God. I will seek your eternal benefit over your temporal comfort or ease. I will endeavor to bring up any children we may have with love, forgiveness and discipline, always teaching them according to Word of God. I promise to remain devoted to you exclusively as my husband for as long as we both shall live. And I acknowledge before God, before you, and before these witnesses, my inability to live out these vows in my own strength, and I acknowledge that His power alone will enable me to live in a Godly way as your wife.

Note: Portions of these vows were adapted from Adrian Warnock and H. Norman Wright.

Pictures taken by TaylorAbeelPhotography

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