Sunday, September 15, 2013


Well, the past 12 weeks of summer have flown by! I have been a nomad since returning from Colorado, living at various friend's and family's houses. One thing I have been reminded of is that God has a purpose for everything. He is so very intentional as sovereign King of the universe and Lord of my small life. I have always been encouraged by Proverbs 16:9 which says "the mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Thus has been my experience this summer. When I planned out where I would be staying 4 months ago, only God knew how He would use me to encourage those I lived with and met with in times when they needed it. I love being God's vessel of love. I recently watched the video "Father of Lights," a documentary on the heart of God. One thing that struck me in this film was the method of evangelism which completely focused on loving people rather than trying to convince them of their sin and need for a savior. This love approach emphasizes the grace and mercy of God over His judgement. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance. Think about the way Jesus did ministry, He simply loved people, healed them, met their needs and then told them to repent. It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict the world of their sin and our job to show them the love of Jesus. It was the religious leaders whom Jesus was calling out on their sin. Within the church, we are certainly to be holding each other accountable, but outside of the church it is a different story. This perspective has been challenging me and my interpretations of verses like "make the most of every opportunity" to love them rather than talk them into the faith. I know I have learned this lesson before, but for some reason Jesus has stirred it up in my heart and mind again as I spend time with members of my family who don't know Him yet and prepare for the next  six months on the foreign mission field.

I leave in 4 days. Please pray that the Lord will continue to teach me the ministry of love and compassion.
I would also appreciate prayer for traveling to New Zealand. In 24 hours of travel through 4 airports please pray that both me and my luggage make it to our destination safely.
Also pray for unity as I meet my teammates for the first time and try to remember their names. :)

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